Temporary Filtering

grandMA3 ユーザマニュアル » Workspace » User Interface » Temporary Filtering
Version 2.2

Certain menus and windows, such as the Patch Menu or Layout Editor, allow you to temporary filter and search for specific terms in the grid.

You can use several column filters at the same time to specify the results.
  • The filter area is displayed as a yellow row between the header row and the first row of the grid. Tapping  in the title bar of the window enables or disables the filter area.
  • The in the filter area marks text input fields and the three dots (...) mark the selection fields.
  • Applied filters are indicated with a yellow in the header of the corresponding column.
  • To delete applied filters, tap in the title bar or close the corresponding window.
Update this description text.
Edit Layout - Filter

To select a filter in the Layout Editor:

  1. Open the grandMA3 Demoshow.
  2. Open the Layout Editor. For more information about Layout, see Edit Layout.
  3. Make sure is enabled in the title bar.
  4. Tap ... in the Assign Type column. A pop-up opens.
  5. Select Fixture. The pop-up closes and the grid shows only the rows with Assign Type set to Fixture.

To use the text input field filter in the Layout Editor:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 from above.
  2. Tap  to clear all filters.
  3. Tap  in the Name column. A text input field opens.
  4. Type Wash and press Please. The pop-up closes and the grid shows the rows with "Wash" in their name.

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  1. Tap the area to the right of the in the Name column. A text cursor is set.
  2. Start typing. The Name column is filtered as you type.
If you disable the filter area () while a filter is set and then enable it again, the previously set filter will still be active.