Selected masters give access to the individual masters of the selected sequence. They adjust the levels and timing of the selected sequence.
Selected masters can be assigned to executors and special executors.
Read more about the functions of the masters and assigning masters to executors in the Assign Object to an Executor topic, especially the Change Fader Function section.
The selected masters are:
- Master 1.1 'Master'
Controls the intensity.
Master 1.2 'XFade' - this is also called Crossfade.
Crossfades between the current cue and the next cue.
Master 1.3 'XFadeA' - this is also called CrossfadeA or XA.
Is the first of a manual crossfade between two cues.
Works along with XFadeB.
Master 1.4 'XFadeB' - this is also called CrossfadeB or XB.
Is the second of a manual crossfade between two cues.
Works along with XFadeA.
Master 1.5 'Temp'
Crossfades the cue on when pulled up, and off when pulled down.
Master 1.6 'Rate'
Modifies the fade and delay time in a sequence by the value of the rate master.
If Speed from Rate is on, it is also valid for phaser speed stored in cues - see Sequence Settings topic.
- Master 1.7 'Speed'
Controls the phaser speed in a cue.
- Master 1.8 'Highlight'
- Master 1.9 'Lowlight'
- Master 1.10 'Solo'
Master 1.11 'Time'
Sets the time for the time overwrite.
For more information on time, see the Time Keyword.
The Highlight, Lowlight, and Solo masters are only functional for the grand masters. For more information, see Grand Masters.