Label オブジェクト

grandMA3 ユーザマニュアル » Label Objects
Version 2.2

All objects can be labeled using the label pop-up. The label pop-up can contain a name, a note, a scribble, and an appearance. It differs depending on the type of object. For example, there are no scribbles available for labeling cues. All options are available for pool objects.

The name can be changed using the Label keyword. It can be written in the command line. Write Label followed by the object you want to name and then the name in quotation marks.

For instance, if group 1 needs to be named "Stage Right Spots" use the following command:

User name[Fixture]>Label Group 1 "Stage Right Spots"

The label command can be accessed by pressing the Assign key twice. The syntax is the same no matter how the command is created:

Label [Object_Type] ["Current_Object_Name" or Object_Number] "New_Object Name"

If the object name is omitted in the command, an Edit Label pop-up appears:

Label pop-up for a pool object

The keyboard icon () opens an on-screen keyboard. If the keyboard is visible, then the icon is yellow.

The Scribble icon (scribble) opens the Scribble pad. If the Scribble pad is visible, then the icon is yellow. When starting to scribble in the blank scribble editor, a new scribble in the scribble pool will be created.

The Appearance icon () opens the appearance editor. If the appearance editor is visible, then the icon is yellow. When starting to tap around in the blank appearance editor, a new appearance will be created in the appearance pool.

The tags icon () opens the tags pop-up to assign and unassign tags.

On small screens all buttons behave as radio buttons. On big screens, the keyboard button is a toggle, the scribble, appearance and tags button behave as radio buttons.

Tap Scribble in the title bar to select scribbles in a dropdown menu. As soon as there is no scribble selected, Name and Note are grayed out.

Tap Appearance in the title bar to choose between all appearances in the appearance pool. The selected appearance is shown in the editor.

The label pop-up also has easy access to add a note to the object. Learn more in the Notes topic.

The last touched pool object has a white frame around it. If the keyboard is used, the keyboard text input is often interpreted as a new label input, which can be used to label all pool objects. This is the fastest way to label newly created objects.

Learn more about scribbles in the Scribble section.

Learn more about appearances in the Appearance section.