ハンドル - light_userdata

grandMA3 ユーザマニュアル » プラグイン » ハンドル - light_userdata Version 2.2

Many functions require a handle as an argument or return a handle.

The handle is a custom data type called "light_userdata".

The handle is a unique identifier that refers to a grandMA3 object, for instance, a specific sequence, cue, preset, or fixture.

The object the handle refers to has some properties. Some can be changed, and some are read-only. The object might also have child objects. The object always has Name, Class, and Path information.

The path is the same as an address that identifies where the object exists in the structure of the showfile.

Related Functions

  • Addr() - Converts a handle into a numbered address path.
  • AddrNative() - Converts a handle into a named address path.
  • FromAddr() - Converts a numbered or named address into a handle.
  • HandleToStr() - Converts a handle into a string with a hexadecimal number.
  • HandleToInt() - Converts a handle into an integer.
  • StrToHandle() - Converts a hexadecimal number string into a handle.
  • IntToHandle() - Converts an integer into a handle.
  • ToAddr() - Object-free version - Converts a handle into an address string.
  • ToAddr() - Object version - Converts a handle into an address string.