
grandMA3 ユーザマニュアル » プラグイン » Lua 関数 - Object-Free API » StrToHandle(string) Version 2.2


The object-free StrToHandle Lua function converts a string with a hexadecimal number format into a handle. The string needs to correlate with an actual handle.

See the Handle topic for more info regarding handles and links to other related functions.


  • string:
    The string with a handle number in a hexadecimal format.


  • handle:
    The returned handle based on the string with a hexadecimal number.

This example prints the handle hex number for the selected sequence. It also converts the string back to a handle and uses this to print the name of the sequence:

return function()
-- Store a variable with the string of the handle converted to hex
local mySeqStr = HandleToStr(SelectedSequence())
-- Print some feedback with the handle in a string version
Printf("The handle for the selected sequence (string version): %s", mySeqStr)
-- Print some feedback where the string is converted back to a handle
Printf("The name of the selected sequence is: %s", StrToHandle(mySeqStr).name)