Info ウィンドウ

grandMA3 ユーザマニュアル » システム » Info ウィンドウ Version 2.2

The Info window is a helpful tool to show the operator references, dependencies, and notes for objects in the show file.

To learn more about displaying dependencies and references in the Command Line History, see the ListReference Keyword.

To open the Info window, tap More and then tap Info in the Add window dialog.

Info window

The Info window is seperated into three tabs: Referenced by (x), Depends on (x), and Note (x).

Referenced by (x) -tab displays the following information:

  • (x), displays the number of references for this object.
  • Type, displays the targeted object reference type.
  • No, displays the targeted object reference number.
  • Name, displays the targeted object reference name.

 Depends on (x)-tab displays the following information:

  • Type, displays the type of the targeted object dependencies.
  • No, displays the number of the targeted object dependencies.
  • Name, displays the name of the targeted object dependencies.

The Note (x)-tab displays the notes of an object. Depending on the size of the Info window, the notes are resized to fit the window.

For more information about Notes, see Notes topic.


List Reference

  • To list all references and/or dependencies in your show file, type ListReference into the command line and press Please. The Info window pop-up opens:

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Info window pop-up - All References / Dependencies of the show file are shown

To list the references of an object, for example, a sequence pool object or macros:


  • grandMA3 demo show file is loaded.
  • Open Sequence pool and Info window.
  1. Tap List Reference in the title bar of the Info window or type ListReference in the command line.
  2. Tap Look in the Sequence pool. The related information about the selected sequence pool object is shown in the Info window.
Info window displaying information of Sequence 1.
The results of List Reference for a targeted object will stay visible until you perform a new search or change the view. It can not be cleared or deleted.

Link Type

The Link Type button defines if the information of a specific object is automatically displayed or not. The following parameters can be set in the dropdown menu: 

When Link Mode is set to Selected Sequence, the List Reference button will be grayed out. Executing the ListReference command will open a separate pop-up. For more information, see ListReference keyword.

Window Mode

To specify the displayed information in the Info window, Window Mode can be set to the following values: 

  • The current cue is marked with a green frame and a blue background in the notes tab.
  • Notes of Cue Parts are also displayed in the Info window
Values are named by the children after selecting an object via the List Reference button. For example, to set different Link Types in the Note tab: Store two cues into Sequence 1. For more information to store cues, see Store cues.
  1. Add notes to cues. For more information to store cues, see Notes topic.
  2. Tap List Reference and then tap Sequence 1 in the sequence pool.
  3. Use Go+ to go through the cues.

Info Window Settings

To open the Info Window settings, tap MA in the title bar of the window. 

Window Preferences can be loaded or saved. For more information, see Window Settings.

The differences between label and note are shown in the following image:

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Info window - Note tab 

To get an overview of this example, watch the following video


To display the note of the next cue in the selected sequence in the Info window:

  1. In the title bar of Info window, tap Link Type and select Selected Sequence.
  2. Select a Sequence Pool object, for example, Sequence 1.
  3. Tap Window Mode in the title bar of the Info window and select Next Cue.
  4. Press Go+. The note of the next cue is shown in the Info window