Layout View の編集

grandMA3 ユーザマニュアル » レイアウト » Layout View の編集 Version 2.2

Layout View を開くには、ウィンドウの追加 の指示に従ってください。

Add Window ポップアップで、以下のように行います。

  1. Tools をタップします。
  2. Layout Viewer をタップしてください。
    Layout View が開きます。
When Setup is enabled, it allows the editing of single layout elements. When disabled, it provides editing as in the programmer.

Add a Layout Element

Tap Setup in the layout viewer window title bar to enable the setup mode. The toolbar is displayed on the left side of the window.

  • To add a layout element in the layout window, tap +.
  • Tap or tap and drag an empty area in the window, and a new empty layout element is added. (Empty yellow square)

Layout viewer with setup mode enabled
  • To assign an object to the element you created in the layout, open the new element with the 2 Finger Edit or press Edit and tap the new element.
    The edit layout element pop-up opens:

Edit Layout element menu
  • Under the General tab, tap Object, and the assignment editor opens.
  • Select the object you wish to assign to your new element.

Assignment Editor pop-up
The new object is assigned:

Add an Element Using the GUI

For this example, the group pool and the Layout viewer should be visible on the screen.

For example, add group 1 to layout 1:

  1. Press Assign.
  2. Tap group 1 in the group pool.
  3. Tap an empty area in the layout window.
Elements can be added in setup mode and normal mode.

Add an Element Using the Command Line

For example, to assign macro 1 to layout 1, type:

User name[Fixture]>Assign Macro 1 At Layout 1

Layout Toolbar

Use the toolbar to edit elements. 詳しくは レイアウトの作成 を参照してください。