
grandMA3 ユーザマニュアル » スクリブル » スクリブルの作成 Version 2.2
It is possible to edit scribbles in the scribble pool or when labeling objects.

Create Scribbles in the Scribbles Pool

To edit an object in the Scribbles pool, use one of these 3 options:

  • Press Edit and then tap an object in the Scribbles pool.
  • Open the swipey commands on the pool object and select Edit.
  • Use the command line. For more information on editing an object using the command line, see Edit Keyword.

The pop-up Edit Scribble opens.

If you edit an existing pool object, the editor will open with the current state of the scribble.

To scribble, move your finger across the scribble pad on the left of the pop-up.

Pop-up Edit Scribble

Label the Scribble

To edit the name, use the Label keyword or tap Name in the Label Scribble pop-up.

Scribbles can be labeled like any other pool object.

Set a Color

You can select a color before drawing a scribble or change the color of the scribble after drawing.

To select a color for the scribble:

If you start scribbling, the scribble will appear in the selected color. Different lines in the scribble can have different colors.

Select a color and tap Set Scribble to Color to set the whole scribble to the selected color.

Select a color and tap Use Color as Filter to apply the selected color as a filter to the colors used in the scribble.

Move the Thickness fader to control the thickness of newly drawn lines.

The software saves the color and thickness settings of a scribble.

Save and Revert Changes

There are multiple ways to save and revert changes.

Create Scribbles in Other Objects

There are two ways to create scribbles directly in other objects:

The scribble created in the object is automatically saved to the next free position in the Scribbles pool and applied to the object.

Creating scribbles outside the Scribbles pool spams the pool because every scribble created in other objects is saved as a new scribble in the Scribbles pool.
To avoid spamming the Scribbles pool, Assign Scribbles to objects.