
grandMA3 ユーザマニュアル » ノート » キューのノート Version 2.2

The following example shows how to add a note to a cue. Notes, for example, can inform the operator of primary on-stage procedures to trigger the next cue. For information about cues, see Cues and Sequences.

  • 必要条件: The Demoshow_grandMA3 is open.

To add a note to a cue:

  1. Open the Add window menu, tap Common and then tap Sequence Sheet. The Sequence Sheet opens and displays Sequence 1.
  2. Tap into an empty note cell in a cue and start typing. The Text input editor opens. After finishing typing the note, tap Save.
  3. The text is displayed in the Note column.
Sequence 1 with different Notes added.

Multi-Line Editor

The text editor in notes is a multi-line editor. This means, multiple lines can be added by pressing Shift + Please when the text editor is open. For more information about the text editor, see Text Input Editor.

Changing the Line Height

To change the line height manually:

  1. Tap MA. The Sequence Sheet Settings opens.
  2. Tap the Mask - tab.
  3. Tap Line Height. The line height of the sequence sheet changes.
When Line Height is set to Auto, the row adjusts its height based on the number of lines. For more information about the sequence sheet settings, see Sequence Sheet.
The height of the rows is adjusted dynamically when Line Height is set to Auto.

Show Notes

Sequence Sheet や Content Sheet での注記の表示は、Show Notes 設定によっても可能です。Show Notes は、そのウィンドウの設定で有効/無効を切り替えられます。詳しくは ウィンドウの設定 を参照してください。

Sequence Sheet で Show Notes を有効にするには、以下のようにします。

  1. Open the Sequence Sheet Settings.
  2. Tap the Mask-tab and then enable Show Notes. Close the window.
  3. A text field with the note of the currently selected Cue is added to the Sequence Sheet as shown below:
Sequence Sheet - Show Notes 有効
Show Notes が有効な場合、Show Recipes は無効になります。

Show Notes の重要な機能: