Station Control メニューを利用すると、ステーションやセッション通信に関する設定にすばやくアクセスできます。
Station Control メニュー
The menu is split into two sides.
The left side is settings related to this specific station.
The right side is settings that relate to the entire session.
Station 側には、General および Session Data Merge という2列があります。
Send Art-Net If IdleMaster: Art-Net メニュー の Send Art-Net If IdleMaster 設定と同じです。
Send sACN If IdleMaster: sACN メニュー の Send sACN If IdleMaster 設定と同じです。
Session Data Merge には、トグルボタンが1つだけあります。
Include Playbacks:
プレイバックの変更を Session Data Merge で考慮するかどうかを指定します。有効にすると変更が考慮されます。
Session Data Merge は、ステーションがセッションに接続するときに発生し、2つのステーションからのデータがマージされます。
DSCP: DSCP settings define the Quality of Service (QoS) setting for the data packages.
This is information added to the package, and the network switches have settings defining the prioritization of the data packages.
Read more below.
Data Merge Default Mode: This defines the default data merge mode.
This is the preselected option in the Session Data Merge pop-up.
This option will be selected when the timeout (read below) expires unless the user manually selects an option.
The options are:
Cancel: The connecting stations will not join the session of the Master side and be made Standalone.
Then, it can be investigated which show file is correct, back up each show file, etc.
Merge All Data: Merges the changes of all connecting stations into one show file.
Keep Only Master Data: The changes in the show file data of the connecting devices are ignored.
The show file of the Master side is maintained.
Before overriding the show file of the connecting devices, the show file will be saved automatically on the connecting stations.
This pop-up allows the user to select how data is merged between the session and connecting stations. It is described in the Join a Session topic.
Data Merge Default Timeout: This defines the timeout time for the Session Data Merge pop-up. Unlimited is an option.
This disables the timeout, and the user must make a manual selection.
If the time is set to 0, then the pop-up will not appear and the default mode (see above) is used.
This pop-up allows the user to select how data is merged between the session and connecting stations.
It is described in the Join a Session topic.
TTL (Time To Live):
The TTL value specifies the lifespan of an IP packet.
Each time the packet passes the next hop (for example, a router or gateway), its TTL is reduced by one, and the packet is discarded when the value reaches zero.
Tap TTL and set a value using the calculator.
The Default value is "8".
Admin rights are needed to change DSCP, Data Merge Default Mode, Data Merge Default Timeout, and TTL.
The network data packages from a session are divided into five different categories. Each category has a setting defining the DSCP value. The higher the value, the higher the priority.
Read about the setting above. Editing the DSCP setting opens the Edit DSCP Configuration pop-up.
Edit DSCP Configuration pop-up.
The five categories are:
MA-Net Data
Network Update
DMX Protocols
In/Out Protocols
The different options for each category are:
CS0 - DSCP Value 0
CS1 - DSCP Value 8
AF11 - DSCP Value 10
AF12 - DSCP Value 12
AF13 - DSCP Value 14
CS2 - DSCP Value 16
AF21 - DSCP Value 18
AF22 - DSCP Value 20
AF23 - DSCP Value 22
CS3 - DSCP Value 24
AF31 - DSCP Value 26
AF32 - DSCP Value 28
AF33 - DSCP Value 30
CS4 - DSCP Value 32
AF41 - DSCP Value 34
AF42 - DSCP Value 36
AF43 - DSCP Value 38
CS5 - DSCP Value 40
Voice-Admit - DSCP Value 44
EF - DSCP Value 46
CS6 - DSCP Value 48
CS7 - DSCP Value 56
It is recommended that the default value be changed only if there is a specific need to do so.